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How to Use Open Orders Function

SalesPlay POS App

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1. Use Open Orders Function


  • POS System allows user to put a receipt on hold when the customer wants to add more items to the cart.
    • Ex: When we are in a supermarket and ready to do the billing, we decided to go look at a few more items. At this moment cashier need to put the sale on hold and allow the next customer to start billing. Once we come again with those items, cashier should be able to recall that hold receipts again.
  • There is a button on the bottom called “SAVE”. Once you select this button, that will allow you to SAVE the bill. When that customer returns to complete their transaction, you can click the button in the same place called “OPEN ORDERS”.
  • The "Open Orders " feature is especially beneficial for businesses with dynamic ordering scenarios, particularly in the food and beverages industry, such as restaurants and cafes, where customers may continuously add items to their orders during dining.  This feature allows users to save and hold a receipt, keeping it open and editable until the customer completes the payment.

2. Use Open Orders Function


  1. Login to POS Back Office Webportal
  2. Select “ Settings ” from main menu
  3. Go to the “ Feature”
  4. Tick ON “Open Orders ” button
  5. Click “ Save”

(Once you ON “Open Orders”, it will appear on POS APP as “Open Orders” in new sales interface)

3. Use Open Orders Function

4. Use Open Orders Function


  1. POS App main menu
  2. Select “ New Sale ”
  3. Click items customer need to buy
  4. Click “SAVE”
  5. If you need to SAVE the receipt in a name you can enter name or click SAVE


(Once you saved the receipt, it will be in “Open Orders” section, when you need it again, you can click “Open Orders” and select the receipt from HOLD section)

5.Use Open Orders Function

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