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How to Create Customer Orders with Advance Payment

SalesPlay POS App

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Special Note

  • To activate the "Create Order" option in POS App, users must enable the "Open Receipts (Bills)" feature in the Back Office settings. 
    • Back Office > Settings > Feature > Open Receipts (Bills) > Save 

1. Create Customer Orders with Advance Payment


  • You can create and manage customer orders when customers are willing to pay an ‘Advance” amount.
    • Ex: A customer inside a shop wants to order products today by paying an “Advance” amount and customer wants to pick them up on a later date.

2. Create Customer Orders with Advance Payment


  1. POS App main menu
  2. Select “ New Sale ”

3. Create Customer Orders with Advance Payment


  • Click 3-dot button on right-hand upper section
  • Click “Create Order”

4. Create Customer Orders with Advance Payment


  • Select items customer wants and click “Create Order” button

5. Create Customer Orders with Advance Payment


  • Add Customer ( Add new or select existing) and click “Add to order “

6. Create Customer Orders with Advance Payment


  • Select calendar icon and provide delivery date and time

7. Create Customer Orders with Advance Payment


  1. Tick ON “Advance Payment” icon
  2. Click “Save” button

8. Create Customer Orders with Advance Payment


  1. Enter the advance amount customer willing to pay
  2. Click “Charge” button

9. Create Customer Orders with Advance Payment


  • Once click Charge, Advance receipt will be created with paid advance amount and due amount 

10. Create Customer Orders with Advance Payment

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