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How to Apply Discounts

SalesPlay POS app > New Sale

Discount types

  • SalesPlay POS (Point of Sale) system includes two types of discount functions: "total discount" and "line/item discount."
  • The "total discount" function allows businesses to apply a discount to the entire purchase or transaction. This type of discount is usually expressed as a percentage or a fixed amount and is applied to the total bill at the end of the transaction. It is a great way for businesses to offer promotions, sales, or special discounts to their customers.
  • On the other hand, the "line/item discount" function allows businesses to apply discounts to specific products or items within a transaction. With this function, businesses can offer discounts on individual items, specific categories, or even a combination of products. Line/item discounts can be expressed as a percentage off, a fixed amount reduction.

1. Apply Discount for the Total Receipt Value

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Add items to the cart and click the “Discount” icon (near the customer icon)

Tick value or percentage (default Percentage) and enter the discount percentage or value


  • Click the “Add” button

Click the “CHARGE” button and proceed

2. Apply Line / Item Discount

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Add item(s) to the cart, then click the item in the ITEM CART (Views Item) area

Go to the discount area and enter the discount value or percentage


  • Click “Add”


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