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Registering Customers in the Distributor Portal / Partner Management Portal (PMP) and Activating Distributor Codes in the POS App

How to Register a Customer in the Distributor Portal And Activate the Code?

Step-by-Steps Process - Registering Customers in the Distributor Portal / Partner Management Portal (PMP) Activating Distributor Codes in the SalesPlay POS App

Registering Customers in the Distributor Portal refers to the process by which distributors input and manage customer information within the Partner Management Portal (PMP). This process typically involves accessing the PMP after distributor application approval, navigating to the designated customer registration section, and entering relevant details such as the customer's first name, last name, mobile number, email address, and business name. Once the information is accurately filled out, it is saved within the portal's database, allowing distributors to efficiently manage and track their customer base.


  • Access the Partner Management Portal (PMP)
  • Click on the "customer" tab within the portal.
  • Select "Customer Registration" to initiate the customer registration process.
  • Enter Customer Information:

( Note: Ensure the email address provided is correct as it cannot be edited later.)

  • Save Customer Information:


(After entering the details, click on the "Save" button to save the customer record. The customer record will then be moved to the "customer management" section.)


Activating Distributor Codes in the SalesPlay POS App

Activating Distributor Codes is the process of linking a unique identifier, known as a distributor code, to a SalesPlay POS App.

Distributors initiate the activation process by accessing the SalesPlay POS App. Within the app's settings section, specifically at the software customization page, distributors input the distributor code provided to them. Upon submission, the system validates the code's authenticity and links it to the distributor's account.


  • Download and Install the SalesPlay POS Application:


Visit the Google Play Store ( ) to download and install the SalesPlay POS Application on your device.

  • Open the SalesPlay POS Application and click on "Register."
  • Provide the email address you used during the Distributor Portal's Customer Registration.
  • Complete the registration form and proceed.
  • Access the main menu of the POS App.
  • Navigate to the "Settings" section and select "Software Customization."
  • Click on the Distributor Code area and enter the Distributor Code provided in your Distributor Portal's "Profile" section.
  • Click "Activate" to activate the distributor code. You will receive a success message upon activation.


( Within the Distributor Portal's "customer management" section, the status of distributor code activation will change to "Activated" once all steps are completed successfully.)


Note: Ensure the email address provided during Customer Registration matches the one used for registering in the SalesPlay POS Application. If there are any discrepancies, repeat the registration process with the correct email address.

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