SalesPlay Back Office
Product Price $100
Service Charge 10% (OFF - Apply for the value after adding other taxes option)
GST 9% (ON - Apply for the value after adding other taxes option)
Applying Service Charge (10%):
Start with the product price, for example, $100.
Add the Service Charge of 10%, bringing the subtotal to $110.
GST Calculation (9%):
Tax the subtotal of $110 with the GST of 9%.
The GST amount ($9.90) is then added to the total, resulting in a final bill of $119.90.
When the Option is Disabled:
If the "Apply for the value after adding other taxes" option is not selected, the calculation proceeds differently.
Product Price $100
Service Charge 10% (OFF - Apply for the value after adding other taxes option)
GST 9% (OFF - Apply for the value after adding other taxes option)
Adding Service Charge (10%):
Start with the product price, for example, $100.
Add the Service Charge of 10%, raising the total to $110.
GST Calculation (9%):
Tax the original product price of $100 with the GST of 9%.
The GST amount ($9.00) is added to the total, resulting in a final bill of $119.00.
1. Login to POS Back Office Webportal
2. Select “Settings” from main menu
3. Go to the “Feature”
4. Tick ON “Taxes/Charges” button
5. Click “Save”
(Once you ON “Taxes/Charges”, it will appear as a sub-menu in the Settings section)
6. Select Taxes/Charges
7. Click “Add Taxes and Charges”
8. Select charge type from dropdown
9. Enter the charge name and value
10. Tick ON “Apply for the value after adding other taxes”
11. Click status ON
12. Click “Save” or Save & Attach”
(If you click “Save & Attach” you need to attach products)
13. Tick ON the products that need to be apply charge
14. Click SAVE
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